Mono Print

Metallic Glue Relief

Tissue Paper Painting

Crayon Etching

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Drawing on Vacation

I've used some of the free time during my school Spring Break to work on some large charcoal still life drawings. Drawing is an ongoing exercise in learning to observe carefully and record what you see. When kids ask me how to become better at drawing, I usually say, "Draw, Draw, Draw!" The more you draw, the better you train your eye to really see.

You can keep a small sketchbook, pencils and an eraser in a backpack, or in the car, and sketch scenes you see, places you visit, or things you imagine. These drawings can be developed in more detail later on, or simply stand as a record of your ideas and experiences.

Sketchbooks keep your work neat and organized, whereas loose papers tend to get lost or discarded. If you don't own a sketchbook, you can make a simple one by stapling together a small stack of recycled white paper. You can even make covers for your book, by using colored papers for the top and bottom of your stapled stack. Keep drawing...

Monday, March 9, 2009

Picasso, a Master

Just saw a wonderful Picasso exhibit at Yale Art Gallery. It was intimate and manageable, and would be an ideal show for children to see. The exhibit focuses on Picasso's use of words in his work, in collages, paintings and books he illustrated. What a treat to see the fluidity, grace and expression in Picasso's line drawings and etchings. This inventor of Cubism is a real inspiration.

If you're a parent who enjoys taking your child to art museums, you may want to limit the number of galleries you view per visit. Both children and adults can become very weary from visual overload, crowded spaces and tired feet. Often, when a museum features a blockbuster exhibit, its other galleries, showing the permanent collection, may be relatively empty. Take advantage of such an opportunity for a peaceful family meander through less traveled paths to see some inspiring art.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Crayon Etching

I hope you have a chance to watch the video demonstration of how to make a crayon etching. It's a really easy project to make, and the results can be quite beautiful and magical. Many parents will remember doing this as a kid - you might want to give it a try again, and create a crayon etching as your child also creates one.

Small etchings can be glued to folded colored paper to make greeting cards. They can also be glued to colored paper larger than the etching, and given as a wonderful handmade gift to someone special.

Many thanks to our good friend, Nick Pisarro, who skillfully shot the video in my home studio. Deepest gratitude to our son, Josh, and his wife, Nana, both multi-talented and creative, for editing, writing the music and directing the video. And thanks to my husband, Dick, who designed the lighting, and kept us all on track. They're threatening to make more art project demonstration videos, so please stay tuned.